Saturday, August 10, 2013

Walking on the Wild Side

If Merrion Square has any wild sides, we've just taken a walk on them.

No, really, we went for a walk around Merrion Square. It was a precursor to lunch, which I'm reliably informed was delivered by the good folk at KC Peaches.

Much like Charity Hack (I hope), lunch didn't disappoint. A selection of sandwiches and salads were accompanied by a cheeky pink lemonade, and though our charity hackees haven't by any means been treated with kid gloves so far the air was generally one of friendly camaraderie.

Not that it matters, you understand - we're here for positive change for charities and not to make new friends. Although sure if that happens too so much the better. The mantelpiece has always space for another few Christmas cards.

To be honest by lunchtime we all needed a bit of fresh air. Already we'd put in almost four hours of hard work, and we don't wrap up until 9pm tonight.

Some great stuff has come out of this morning's session though.

Shortly before lunch I spoke to Mindy from Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment, Simon from Rainsbows Ireland, Caroline from Irish Deaf Kids, Siobhan from ACT4Meningitis and Bernadette from Care After Prison.

I asked all five how they felt when they arrived this morning and also how they felt after a few hours of work. I'll post the interviews (which were filmed by James Keating) separate to this post, but I can tell you that the mood this morning was mostly optimistic with a hint of nerves.

All five reported being challenged during this morning's Charity Hack session, and having to constantly remind themselves to keep an open mind and not take questions or challenges to what their organisation is doing personally.

However all said their optimism and positivity was still alive somewhere in the region of 12.15. And they promised they were being honest.

To be honest if Charity Hack's hackees have come out of this morning feeling positive they can pat themselves on the back for being mature in the extreme.

In the words of Charity Hack chief Kevin this morning was "about looking at the organisation and learning about them and their problems". Constructive criticism - providing fun the world over for centuries, hey?!

This afternoon we're moving on to sorting the problems highlighted this morning though, so to be honest I'm anticipating everything being sorted by tea time, or so...

I've just heard each group is pitching their best two ideas in ten minutes too, so I'll keep you posted!


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